With the Touchers having a well deserved break after the back to back to back premiership victory, the Touchers are looking forward to seeing many presents under the tree.
I hope this simple ditty will inspire much Christmas cheer amongst them all.
It was narrated by the Chairman and as I listened with tears of joy in my eyes I jotted down his wise words.
Twas the night before Christmas and all through Terrey Hills, not a creature was moving,
not even the possum in the roof.
The footy bags were hung by the garages with care.
In hope that the footy gods soon would be there.
The Touchers fans were nestled all snug in their beds,
Whilst visions of a 4th premiership danced in their heads.
And Chairmans dear wife in her custom Belrose footy nightie and me in my Touchers grand final winning t-shirt,
Had just settled down for a cold lime infused beer.
When out on the prize winning new lawn, I sprang from my bed to see what the heck was going on.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
With my massive tanned arms I tore open the shutters and saw a big smash.
When what to my bloodshot eyes should appear,
But a red Holden ute and eight.....well actually 10 tiny reindeer.
With a big old fat guy so lively and quick I thought for a moment is was Full Metal on the red wine again.
More rapid than Manly Sea Eagles, his charges they came,
And he whistled and shouted and called them by name.
"Now VC! Now, Locksmith!
Now Milton and Jonty!
On BBB! On Supercoach!
On Bob and Harro!
On Kiwi and Faz!
To the top of my new roof, to the top of the wall,
"Now dash away ! Dash away!
Dash away all"
As the neighbours damn dry leaves the wild hurricane fly.
When they hit something really hard. Better not be my new foxtel satellite dish.
So to the roof they flew,
With a sleigh full of trophy's and the big fat guy too.
And then in a twinkling I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little footy boot.
As I turned my gorgeous head and was spinning around
Down the chimney the big fat guy fell with a crash.
He was dressed in Manly gear from his head to his foot.
And his clothes were covered in peanuts and chips.
A wink of his drunken eye and a twist of another fresh beer,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to fear.
And laying his finger to his blood shot nose,
And giving a nod up the chimney he rose.
He sprang to the ute and to his team he whistled,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him yell as he dropped the clutch and took off,
"Merry Christmas to all and to the Touchers bring in 2013"
Yours in a Merry Touching Christmas
I hope this simple ditty will inspire much Christmas cheer amongst them all.
It was narrated by the Chairman and as I listened with tears of joy in my eyes I jotted down his wise words.
Twas the night before Christmas and all through Terrey Hills, not a creature was moving,
not even the possum in the roof.
The footy bags were hung by the garages with care.
In hope that the footy gods soon would be there.
The Touchers fans were nestled all snug in their beds,
Whilst visions of a 4th premiership danced in their heads.
And Chairmans dear wife in her custom Belrose footy nightie and me in my Touchers grand final winning t-shirt,
Had just settled down for a cold lime infused beer.
When out on the prize winning new lawn, I sprang from my bed to see what the heck was going on.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
With my massive tanned arms I tore open the shutters and saw a big smash.
When what to my bloodshot eyes should appear,
But a red Holden ute and eight.....well actually 10 tiny reindeer.
With a big old fat guy so lively and quick I thought for a moment is was Full Metal on the red wine again.
More rapid than Manly Sea Eagles, his charges they came,
And he whistled and shouted and called them by name.
"Now VC! Now, Locksmith!
Now Milton and Jonty!
On BBB! On Supercoach!
On Bob and Harro!
On Kiwi and Faz!
To the top of my new roof, to the top of the wall,
"Now dash away ! Dash away!
Dash away all"
As the neighbours damn dry leaves the wild hurricane fly.
When they hit something really hard. Better not be my new foxtel satellite dish.
So to the roof they flew,
With a sleigh full of trophy's and the big fat guy too.
And then in a twinkling I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little footy boot.
As I turned my gorgeous head and was spinning around
Down the chimney the big fat guy fell with a crash.
He was dressed in Manly gear from his head to his foot.
And his clothes were covered in peanuts and chips.
A wink of his drunken eye and a twist of another fresh beer,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to fear.
And laying his finger to his blood shot nose,
And giving a nod up the chimney he rose.
He sprang to the ute and to his team he whistled,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him yell as he dropped the clutch and took off,
"Merry Christmas to all and to the Touchers bring in 2013"
Yours in a Merry Touching Christmas
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