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A Very Touching Christmas

Now that its the 1st of December, so now I can talk about the upcoming festive season we call Christmas. Any mention of Christmas before December incurs a substantial fine in my world.

I am sure all of the Touchers in the corporation have written a list of the goodies they want to see under the tree. But I will come back to that as governance dictates that I write at least a few words about the game last night.

We drew 3-3 ... thats it.

OH I have to write more ????  OKAY

G Plummer and the Locksmith almost tied for Man of the Match. However, Locky lost half a point when he passed the pill 6 feet over my head while I was showing the VC how one runs into a gaping hole to get clear and hopefully score the match winning try.

I am sure I jumped but its doubtful there was much air between my size 13 cross trainers and the turf at anytime.

So with the loss of that half point G Plummer got the trophy last night.

Even with the 3 reserves, all of us had nothing left in the tank post match.

I could go on about the ref being the son of a Belrose committee member who so happened to be on the opposing team. I even had him admit that he was paying and feeding him. I too would have 'leaned' towards helping my dad if the thought of food being taken from me was a possibility.

But the game was lost in a lack of direction, ball handling, lack of speed and VC not running into the gap [VC, I was told to write that last bit...I won't say who it was though 😏]

But let me make a prediction right now......they will be our Grand Final opponents. That's if we can correct some small matters in our attack. One of those being getting Bulldog, Rocket, Rami and R Plummer, the greatest  ever A grader, back on the park. Jonty I would have had you in that list but I read that all hopes are dashed to see you back on the park this year.

So is that enough the game???

Oh I am told I need to address the matters of last week so its on the record....damn i hate governance

We lost, apparently I was sent off before half time, I blew up at the VC and SuperCoach Bill and stormed off. Then 3 more were sent off and the game was called off.

Anyone wishing to make further commentary, speak now or forever hold your peace.

So now onto the main reason of today's match report

In the past I have written prose using the theme of a night before Christmas, this was the one back in the December of 2012 [link]

I thought I'd have a go at guessing each Toucher's favourite gift they would want under the tree.

For deal old Jonty it would be a new high powered wheel chair. A red and green one to match his new Rabbitoh's jersey

For Bulldog a new titanium shoulder joint. Gees he is getting old fast :)

For Muz and bloody big new boat and a new Knights armour to wear on board.

What can you give a man who has everything? But for SuperCoach Bill there is always another premiership for Manly, the Steelers, the Touchers. So big ole Santa will be sending Billy a multi bet with the Touchers into the Steelers in 2018 and Manly in 2018. With the $100 starting on the Touchers at $1.20 that takes his $120 into the Steelers at $8, taking his $960 into Manly at $40 [??], mate that's $38,400. Do you think he will pay his Touching fees after that Chairman?

For Locksmith any damn adventurous activity that has him on the edge. Wilder the better. 

Smithy is just happy being a Toucher and happy with all things Touching and for that retirement village across the road from his house to burn to the ground before its completed.

Rami got the best present he will every get, to be offered the glory of being a Toucher. He is also hoping for the successful healing of his self-diagnosed Achilles tear and a quiet coffee on a Saturday morning.

BBB just wants a good rest after his Everest climb. Some, might say that he wants the ability to catch a pass returned to him, I would suggest he would like to be passed the ball in the correct manner, much like Rocket demanded and received.

VC he wants the world to stop picking on him for his style of play. In some way he has already been given the greatest gift of all, the approval to run from dummy half whenever he wants. The joy in his face as he breaks clear and is standing across the touchline waiting to be joined by another Toucher.

Rocket a new bike of course, his latest one is a week old and pretty much superseded by a new model 

He will need a new one as he prepares Mauna Kea mountain climb in Hawaii that has a small ascent of 4,200 metres

G Plummer, a new set of legs as his current pins are failing. However, his performance last night didn't suggest that was true...well up until the point his Achilles said 'no more' after his sideline dash.

R Plummer wants a full re-build of his aching body OR exclusive use to hyperbaric chamber that he can sleep in each night

The Scorpion / the sponsor wants world peace....oh sorry that was a mis-print, I mean he wants a 365 day pass to all relevant and irrelevant corporate events. He is open to representing any industry as long as their annual 'get together' is hosted at a sporting event and is fully catered.

The Chairman's wishes are simple, for VC to run into that damn hole that we keep offering him, for the Toucher's to win another premiership and a full membership to the Newcastle Knights so he can follow M Pearce in his new adventure, the Chairman truly loves that man. I was going to write that he wanted a new pair of binoculars for his backyard but in these times of inappropriate behaviour, that would of course be inappropriate.

Yours in loving that the festive summer is here. Bring on more Rose, French of course.



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