It was around September that I sat in close quarters with the Chairman as we plotted the playing list for the 2016 Touchers. The roster was at 16 on that cool spring day. We thought then it was too many. We deliberated over player skill on and off the paddock. Not that anyone was in true danger of losing their accreditation as a Toucher. As our creed stands as 'Once an OverToucher, always and OverToucher'. The decision had been made minutes after the completion of the 2015 season that shall not be mentioned, that we would return to the fields of glory and bring down the wrath of redemption after 3 years in the wilderness. If I think hard, I believe that over the years there have been about 30 Toucher's in our squad. To name them all would be superfluous to the needs of this little story, plus how can I remember them all after 7 years. But the core group has been there for those 7 years and there have been ups and downs. Moments of madness many times and I will share...
The stories of men who challenge themselves day in day out across grass, road, trail and mud.