With temperatures dropping across the Sydney basin the Overtoucher's heated things up to finish the first round of the competition with a 4 and 4 start. This see's them sit high atop the competition ladder. Self doubt and anxiety was strewn across the faces of most players after the motion was carried to leave the warm comfy blanket of the Belrose touch football competition and take on the new challenges of open age touch football down by the dark and stormy ocean coast. The Touchers who mostly live high on the escarpment of Terrey Hills were demanded by the order of the committee to ply their trade at sea level. With victories of 10-1, 8-5, 7-3 and 10-1 the Touchers have set themselves up as the team to beat. With good front runner form, the OT's go into the next round of games full of youth, vigour and Tooheys Dry in some peoples cases. In an attempt to throw off the OT's, the event organisers moved the fixture last evening to a new battle ground. I overheard...
The stories of men who challenge themselves day in day out across grass, road, trail and mud.